by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Instead of asking, what’s my dosha? Ask yourself, what’s the dosha I need to balance at this moment? data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" The doshas are fluid and always changing. It is important not to box yourself into a dosha, but see the doshas...
by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Ayurvedic perspective on sleep and how to improve sleep data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" In this video, I talk about sleep imbalances by dosha. I give some recommendations on how to improve sleep. Some tips I give are getting off of all screens at...
by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Focusing on the positive aspects of each body type data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" In this video, I tell you about the strengths of each dosha. Often in the Ayurveda world, we focus on the negative aspects of each type, and not enough on the...
by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Ways to balance an imbalanced kapha mind data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" This video will give you some recommendations when you are feeling lethargic, a bit lazy, and heavy in the...
by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Is it useful to know your prakriti? data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" There is a lot of confusion about prakriti in the Ayurveda world. Yes, prakriti is fundamental to know because it is who you are at your core. However, you should always focus on...
by Susan | Aug 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
3 questions to help you gain clarity on your health goals data-width="500" data-allowfullscreen="true" 1.) When do you feel best about yourself? 2.) When was the last time you felt really good in your body and mind? 3.) What obstacles to change are you willing to...
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